Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I love editing pictures!

Lately, I have been editing these cool pics of me and my fam and friends! It is so fun to see what they turn out like when they are done. Here are a few of my latest creations.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

OnE of my NINJA BFFS!!!

SARA!!! We have talking mustaches and we named the frogs we were dissecting in science! (WOW! Does everyone have as cool of a friend as Sara?) They will be remembered! HAHAHA good times! Our mustaches names are: Hos'e, Enchilada, Walnut, MaKadynut, Charlie, Larry, Jim, Cabbage, and more to come! PURPLE!!! WHOOOOO! HaHa we are pretty special. Thanks for being a great friend deary!

Monday, May 2, 2011


I am so pumped for cheer tryouts this week! It is going to be soooooooo FUNN! :) I LOVE CHEER!!!!! :) :) :)